With nearly 75 years’ experience in design and manufacture, Victoria’s leading builders and architects trust Eric Jones to guide them to the best solutions.

- your current clientele
- your preferred targets and demographics
- ideal locations
- quantity, size and value of projects.
Sophisticated computerised modelling means we can offer clients virtually limitless custom design options. In the process we enhance choice and minimise risk before production. It also allows us to present a vast array of options in combinations of materials: timber, steel, and glass.

developing large-scale and complex projects.
They know we can scale up quickly and economically to deliver locally manufactured solutions unhindered by overseas restraints.
Attractive as cheaper mass produced foreign products may be, they too often come with a hidden cost. Our adherence to Australian standards and ISO certification protects our clients. They value the immunity we give them to variables and compromises in design, materials, manufacturing, and quality control that can result in costly re-works.

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